"The highway, oh, the highway. No place, in theory, is boring of itself. Boredom lies only with the traveler's limited perception and his failure to explore deeply enough." William Least Heat-Moon in Blue Highways.

Thru Texas... or Thru the Rest of the SW
One won't miss a thing along the Bankhead/Highway 80 corridors with these drive guides in hand!

My story? I accidentally discovered old Route 66 while motoring one sunny day along super-slab I-40 near Flagstaff, Arizona. I'd heard of it, but it really existed? Wow! From then on, a special interest was born, not just of Route 66, but of the glitz, glamour, kitsch and excitement of America's roadside past. From childhood trips, I remembered buzzing neon signs, a siren's call to a weary family ready to settle in for the night. Albino rattlesnakes, mysterious teepees, greasy spoon diners and rubber tomahawks added to the thrill. The road wasn't just a way to get from here to there, it was an integral part of your trip. Now as an adult, I look around and wonder, "Where have those places gone?" They've been replaced by a dull monotony courtesy of the mega-corporations. A numbing sameness has spread across the land.
Well I still remember them! How long has it been since you saw something unique along the road? How long since you considered a road trip an adventure into and of itself? Probably far too long. This web was created as a way to reminisce about some of the fun and flair that used to make every trip a special occasion. Click on one of the links above in the header for some pics of my own experiences along the road. I hope you enjoy them and I'm looking forward to seeing what else is out there.
Jeff Jensen