Rarely does one experience that “A-HA” moment – that instant in time where one recognizes what he or she wants to do…what they want to become. More often than not, every journey worth taking begins with what at the time may seem to be an insignificant, yet memorable and altering event. Such was my experience. I recall taking a weekend trip into northern Arizona, heading east out of Flagstaff. The small towns went by. Winona, Winslow, Holbrook and others. I caught my first glimpses of defunct neon, abandoned trading posts, older motels and historic train depots that harkened to a time gone by. They brought back long lost memories of traveling these same roads as a child as our family headed west from Iowa on summer vacations to see my uncle's family in San Diego. I had wandered, purely by accident, into the heart of Route 66 and it grabbed me.
What was born was a bourgeoning interest in America’s unique and historic roadside past. Not just of Route 66, but of all of America’s pre-interstate auto routes and highways. This infectious hobby soon became almost an obsession with long explorations the entire length of Route 66, then on to other historic routes such as old 99 in the Pacific Northwest and old 80 in the Southwest. I even created my own website, Bygone Byways, where I’ve posted some of my research and adventures with old Route 66 Highway 80 being my principal areas of focus.
Indeed, some of come to call me an expert in the field (especially regarding old Highway 80) and many have asked for photographs or information for use in various magazines, advertising campaigns and other commercial uses. Some of the more notable are shown below.

Author of Drive the Broadway of America. Your Travel Guide to the U.S. 80 and Bankhead Highways Across the American Southwest. 222 pages self published via Bookmasters 04/14.
I have supplied images or background information for the following organizations:
Tucson Historical Society. My book is being used as a source of information to help old Highway 80 receive a “Historic State Highway” designation.
Texas Highway No. 1 – The Bankhead Highway in Texas. Dan Smith. Images and Highway 80 driving instructions utilized in the compilation of this book.
Heyday Books. Photo used as cover art for the compilation No Place for a Puritan. The Literature of California Deserts.
Ducks Unlimited Magazine. Image used in an article.
Abilene Public Broadcasting. Images, postcards and information used for a documentary on the Bankhead Highway around Abilene titled History in Plain Sight: The Bankhead Highway.
Chelsea House Publishing. Images and historical information on Highway 80 for a High School textbook.
Texas Highways Magazine. 03/07. Images and maps of old Highway 80 through East Texas.
Washington State Board of Community Colleges. Images for use in promotional flyers.
Roadside Attractions by Brian Butko. Images of Dot’s Diner in Lowell, AZ.
University Press of Florida. Images of Route 66 for a publication.
ABB INC/IEEE Spectrum Magazine. Images of Route 66 for an article.
AMMO Advertising. Images of San Juan Capistrano for a campaign.
AAA of Washington. Images of Highway 99 for their corporate website.
Sojourns Magazine. Images of Route 66.
Texas Office of Rural Affairs. Image of Highway 80 for a publication.
Vanderbilt University. Postcards and historical Information on the Harvey Houses.
Texas Christian University. Image of a Highway 80 bus stop sign for a theatrical production.
Scholastic Books. Image of the Teapot Dome gas station in Zillah, Washington.
Red Road Healing Society. Image of Route 66 for their publications.
The Rescue. Album cover photo for this British Country Western band.
And of course multiple individuals that have asked for images for personal usage.