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Drive the Broadway of America:
Your Travel Guide to the U.S. 80 and Bankhead Highways Across TEXAS

The book version is $29.00 U.S. + $5.00 U.S. S&H due to the weight of this book. No state sales tax necessary...I've eaten that cost upfront to make it easier for my customers and myself at tax time!
Payment methods accepted:
1) Paypal to bygonebyways@comcast.net
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3) Check or Money Order to:
Jeff Jensen
284 Godwin Dr.
Jackson, MO 63755
Checks held until cleared. International orders will be calculated individually before shipment.
A USB and CD version is now available as well!
These versions will be only $7.00 U.S. plus $4.00 S&H U.S. Again, no sales tax applied as I ate those costs upfront.
Payment methods accepted:
Paypal to bygonebyways@comcast.net
Check or Money Order to:
Jeff Jensen
284 Godwin Dr.
Jackson, MO 63755
Checks held until cleared. International orders will be calculated individually before shipment.

Folks, here it is, updated to Spring of 2018 conditions. Drive the Broadway of America (BOA) across Texas. This is a 280 page FULL COLOR drive guide of the old Bankhead (BH) and U.S. 80 Highway corridors across a wonderfully varied Texas. Included are macro tour-level maps accompanied by a running narrative of what one will encounter along the way. This text is brought to life by hundreds of my own photos, postcards and vintage advertisements. In the back, **80 pages** of detailed turn-by-turn maps ensure one will not miss a thing. Folks, literally thousands of hours of research and thousands of miles of road-tested directions have been combined into ONE definitive drive guide for good ol' Highway 80, the Bankhead Highway and the BOA routings across the vast, wide-open lands of Texas.
No wimpy pamphlet here, this book is printed on heavy-duty 100# paper and will last for years. I'm sure you will have as much fun reading this and then hitting the road yourself as I have had doing the explorations and research. So if you're a serious roadie at heart, I'm sure you will agree that this will be a 'MUST HAVE' addition to your collection.
It's 1920. Roads were atrocious if they existed at all. The call went out to find the best all-weather military road to move men and goods from coast to coast, so a transcontinental convoy was organized and sent from Washington, D.C. to find it. Three months and many speeches later, the convoy finally rolled into San Diego. Generally following what was known as the BH and later the Broadway of America (BOA), from Dallas on west, this old road would eventually be mostly overlaid by U.S. 80.
I've done the research. All you have to do now is enjoy. Come on and see what became of those old BH and BOA auto trails in Texas.!
Notes on the format. Consistency is the key. So here are some helpful hints. For example:
It is designed to be able to be read as a broad overview - broken up into easily accessible 'Tours' with the text a running narrative of the sights and sounds along the way. If you want some real meaty detail, you can jump off at any time into one of the accompanying color coded factoid boxes to discover interesting tidbits of history and the exact 'where is it'? of roadside attractions and older alignments in the area. This way, one won't get bogged down in the details...unless they want to.
Diehard roadies can utilize the turn-by-turn maps at the back of the book for extremely detailed directions that will give one exact info as to what was where, when and if it is driveable/accessible. These maps are easily read from either direction: east to west or west to east as I don't use odometer readings, but landmarks and existing highway mileage markers. Color coded for easy alignment visualization, a blue line always means an early auto route and/or original 80. An orange line always means the main or 1930's alignments and a green line will always means a circa 1940 or post 1940 ewer alignment. At a glance, the evolution of old 80 is yours!
IN COLOR, the whole guide is interspersed with literally hundreds of my own photographs, vintage advertisements and antique postcards. Even if you can't hit the road today, you'll almost feel like you've been there by the time you're through.
Written in detail as if driving in an east to west manner, there is also a broader west to east narrative.
From the Texarkana in NE Texas to the Texas/New Mexico state line in Anthony north of El Paso, you won't need another guide to the old Bankhead or U.S. 80 Highways. It's all right here! Happy motoring!