Old Highway 80 Driving Directions by State
I'll try to capture here for you, the inquisitive roadie, those portions of old U.S. 80 that I've had the pleasure of driving. From Louisiana to California, please click on the associated picture button for an older PDF-version of a web page that I no long er have an editor for, but will still provide accurate detailing of old Highway 80 throughout the South. And of course things change, so if you come across a blatant error or a previous drivable portion of the old road becomes impassable, please drop me a line so I can share this information with all. Enjoy!
Louisiana. Like a southern afternoon after a plate of crawfish and creole, ol' 80 wanders through the delta, bayous and woods of the state in a leisurely manner. The old road doesn't seem to be in a hurry to get to where its going, and neither should you be. Follow along and enjoy the hospitality and peacefulness of the old Dixie Overland through Louisiana.
East Texas. Often not what people think of when they think of Texas. Green and lush, old 80 gently rolls through this land and invites exploration.
Central Texas. Between Dallas and Abilene, old 80 travels through fascinating towns like Ranger, Eastland and Cisco leaving a plethora of old alignments and relics for your enjoyment. Also includes the historic 80 alignment through Mineral Wells and Strawn as well as the historic alternate 80 alignment through Breckenridge and Albany before heading down to Abilene.
Western Texas. From Abilene on, the wide open American west really starts here. Old 80 gradually works its way through the oli rich, big sky lands west Texas on its way to New Mexico.
New Mexico. Bolting across southern New Mexico like a jackrabbit, old Highway 80 used to zip across open rangeland on its dash to the west coast. Decommissioned here in '91, there doesn't appear to be much left along the newer segments now. However, there are a few gems to be found along some of the older segments in the center part of the state. Come on in, and I'll show you what I've found.
Arizona. Twisting through Arizona like a serpent, old 80 once tied together such far-flung towns such as Douglas and Yuma with the more urbanized centers of Phoenix and Tucson. Although completely decommissioned in Arizona, most of old 80 still exists as state or county highways and offers up some of the finest driving anywhere.
California. Paralleled (mostly) or overlaid by I-8 across the entire bottom of the state, Old 80 still remains as county roads in drivable condition in several long segments thoughout the state. Indeed, the stretches of old 80 between El Centro past Plaster City to In-Ko-Pah Gorge and the road through Jacumba on into Pine Valley/Descanso Junction are particularly historic and scenic drives. Real time capsules...not to be missed.